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Table 3 Number of sperm in each group of mice

From: Liraglutide improved the reproductive function of obese mice by upregulating the testicular AC3/cAMP/PKA pathway


Normal + saline

Obesity + saline

Normal + liraglutide

Obesity + liraglutide

Sperm count (piece)

92 × 10^4 ± 5.9 × 10^4

30 × 10^4 ± 6.8 × 10^4###

150 × 10^4 ± 15 × 10^4**

66 × 10^4 ± 9.2 × 10^4**###

Sperm abnormal rate (%)

25 ± 1.4

52 ± 3.5###

18 ± 1.4*

31 ± 2.8***##

  1. Values are the mean ± SD (n = 3 per group). One-way ANOVA was used to compare means between multiple samples, and the LSD method was used for two-group comparisons. Between saline and liraglutide, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001; between normal and obese, ##p < 0.01, ###p < 0.001