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Table 1 The following NICE recommendations have been removed from the SIRU guidelines due to being deemed inappropriate with specific reasons

From: Diagnosis and management of infertility: NICE-adapted guidelines from the Italian Society of Human Reproduction

NICE CG156 – recommendation number

Delated recommendation


Before undergoing uterine instrumentation, women should be offered screening for Chlamydia trachomatis using an appropriately sensitive technique.

Panel decision (unanimity). Data on Chlamydia trachomatis prevalence are not available in Italy. The adoption of this recommendation in the absence of local data would have contrasted with the local strong plea for limiting the use of antibiotics.

If the result of a test for Chlamydia trachomatis is positive, women and their sexual partners should be referred for appropriate management with treatment and contact tracing.

Prophylactic antibiotics should be considered before uterine instrumentation if screening has not been carried out.

The effectiveness of pulsatile gonadotrophin-releasing hormone in women with clomifene citrate-resistant polycystic ovary syndrome is uncertain and is therefore not recommended outside a research context.

Panel decision (unanimity). Drug unavailable in Italy.

Limit drugs used for controlled ovarian stimulation in IVF treatment to the

lowest effective dose and duration of use.

Panel decision (unanimity). Deemed redundant, the concept was already included in the NICE recommendation (17.1.3. for SIRU guidelines).