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Table 2 summarizes the fertility outcomes according to different transplant sites

From: Assessing the impact of transplant site on ovarian tissue transplantation: a single-arm meta-analysis


ovarian site

pelvic site

pelvic site + ovarian site

heterotopic transplantation


21(6–40, I2: 52.81%)**

30(20–40, I2: 0.00%)*

23(11–36, I2: 0.00%)*

3(0–17, I2: 0.00%)*

Spontaneous LBR

16(3–35, I2: 0.00%)*

31(21–42, I2: 0.00%)*

26(12–41, I2: 0.00%)*


LBR after IVF

10(2–22, I2: 0.00%)*

18(7–31, I2: 0.00%)*

5(0–27, I2: 0.00%)*

3(0–17, I2: 0.00%)*

Women with at least one pregnancy after IVF and spontaneous pregnancy

25(13–40, I2: 0.00%)*

42(22–63, I2: 65.30%)**

25(13–38, I2: 0.00%)*

7(0–24, I2: 0.00%)*

Women with at least one spontaneous pregnancy

26(9–46, I2: 0.00%)*

32(14–54, I2: 70.92%)**

38(10–71, I2: 60.46%)**


Women with at least one pregnancy after IVF

9(0–25, I2: 0.00%)*

28(7–54, I2: 65.63%)**

15(0–40, I2: 0.00%)*

7(0–24, I2: 0.00%)*

Women with miscarriage after IVF and spontaneous pregnancy

10(2–21, I2: 0.00%)*

11(0–27, I2: 62.34%)**

8(1–18, I2: 0.00%)*

7(0–23, I2: 0.00%)*

Women with miscarriage after spontaneous pregnancy

5(0–19, I2: 0.00%)*

12(0–33, I2: 77.90%)**

3(0–12, I2: 0.00%)*


Women with miscarriage after IVF

0(0–9, I2: 0.00%)*

14(2–30, I2: 0.00%)*

15(0–40, I2: 0.00%)*

7(0–23, I2: 0.00%)*

  1. The cumulative live birth rate (CLBR, %) and percentages of pregnancy and miscarriage were estimated for each graft site.
  2. Percentage of events with two-sided CI estimated for all publications: heterogeneity = I2
  3. *Fixed effect model
  4. **Random effect model