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Fig. 3 | Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology

Fig. 3

From: 25(OH)D3 improves granulosa cell proliferation and IVF pregnancy outcomes in patients with endometriosis by increasing G2M+S phase cells

Fig. 3

Hierarchical clustering heat maps and volcanic maps of DEGs between endometriosis and control groups. B Venn map of overlapping genes. DEGs (white); Genes associated with vitamin D anabolism (dark gray). C Cross-gene differential expression level map. Five genes were up-regulated, while the rest of the genes were down-regulated. D Functional analysis of DEGs: GEO enrichment column chart: The horizontal axis represents the enriched related pathways; green, red and blue represent molecular function (MF), biological process (BP), and cell component (CC), respectively. The horizontal axis represents the number of enriched differential genes. E GO enrichment bubble map: The vertical axis represents the related enriched pathway, while the horizontal axis represents the ratio of gene number enriched in the pathway. The size of the circle represents the number of genes. The larger the bubble, the more genes are enriched. Bubble colors represent statistical significance (the redder the circles, the higher the gene enrichment)

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