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Table 2 Obstetric complications for women with singleton live births according to endometrial thickness

From: Thin endometrium is associated with the risk of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in fresh IVF/ICSI embryo transfer cycles: a retrospective cohort study of 9,266 singleton births


EMT ≤ 8 mm

8 < EMT ≤ 12 mm

EMT > 12 mm

P value


(n = 544)

(n = 6234)

(n = 2488)


HDP, n (%) ab

37 (6.8)

224 (3.6)

88 (3.5)


GDM, n (%)

52 (9.6)

469 (7.5)

187 (7.5)

0.224 c

Placental abruption, n (%)

4 (0.7)

15 (0.2)

11 (0.4)

0.054 d

Placenta previa, n (%)

10 (1.8)

81 (1.3)

43 (1.7)

0.232 c

PPH, n (%)

2 (0.4)

19 (0.3)

7 (0.3)

0.894 d

Cesarean section, n (%)

346 (63.6)

3862 (62.0)

1526 (61.3)

0.604 d

  1. HDP hypertensive disorders of pregnancy; HDP include gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, and eclampsia, GDM gestational diabetes mellitus, PPH postpartum hemorrhage
  2. aStatistically significant differences between EMT ≤8 mm and 8 mm < EMT ≤12 mm groups
  3. bStatistically significant differences between EMT ≤8 mm and EMT > 12 mm groups
  4. cPearson chi-square test
  5. dFisher’s exact test