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Table 3 Bivariate associations between sperm parameters and IVF outcomes

From: Acrosome reaction and chromatin integrity as additional parameters of semen analysis to predict fertilization and blastocyst rates


Beta coefficient /R2

Fertilization (%)

(CI 95% β)a

Viable embryos (%)

(CI 95% β)a

WHO parameters

 Volume (ml)

0.86 / 0.003

(− 3.09, 4.81)

−2.55 / 0.010

(− 8.67, 3.56)

 Concentration (× 106/ml)

− 0.02 / 0.000

(− 0.10, 0.11)

0.09 / 0.020

(− 0.07, 0.26)

 Total count (× 106)

0.00 / 0.003

(− 0.02, 0.03)

− 0.04 / 0.000

(− 0.03, 0.04)

 Motility (%)

3.19 / 0.000

(− 0.31, 0.37)

− 0.13 / 0.003

(− 0.66, 0.40)

 Morphology (%)

3.56 / 0.054

(0.05, 7.18) *

−2.75 / 0.013

(− 8.48, 2.98)

 Viability (%)

0.20 / 0.012

(− 0.24, 0.66)

− 0.20 / 0.004

(− 0.90, 0.50)


− 0.92 / 0.000

(− 9.29,7.44)

−5.79 / 0.011

(− 18.71, 7.12)

 Leukocytes (× 106/ml)

− 3.93 / 0.015

(− 11.66, 3.80)

−9.35 / 0.035

(− 21.23, 2.52)

Sperm quality and function parameters (%)


−5.92 / 0.276

(− 8.26, − 3.58) ***

− 4.19 / 0.057

(− 8.33, − 0.04) *


1.83 / 0.150

(0.76, 2.89) ***

−0.87 / 0.014

(− 0.90, 2.65)


2.10 / 0.270

(1.26, 2.94) ***

−0.18 / 0.035

(− 0.32, 2.68)


0.18 / 0.003

(− 0.59, 0.96)

−1.77 / 0.127

(− 2.91, − 0.64) **


−0.65 / 0.013

(− 2.02, 0.72)

−0.52 / 0.003

(− 2.66, 1.61)

  1. sAR = Spontaneous acrosome reaction, iAR = Induced acrosome reaction, ARIC = Acrosome response to an ionophore challenge, DFI = DNA fragmentation index, HDS = High DNA Stainability. aCI= 95% confidence interval. In bold, the values with statistical significance are highlighted. *p = 0.05, **p = 0.003, ***p < 0.0001. n = 69