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Table 3 Effects of tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption and drug addiction on hormone levels

From: Smoke, alcohol and drug addiction and male fertility


Studies in humans

Animal studies

Tobacco smoking

Increase in liver metabolism of testosterone [24]

Reduction of LH and/or FSH levels [34]

Increase in concentration of LH and/or FSH [35]

Increase in serum testosterone and DHEA levels [35, 37]

Reduction of testosterone levels in rats [45, 46]

Alcohol consumption

Decrease in testosterone levels [58, 59]

Increase in FSH, LH, and E2 levels [60]

Decrease in plasma and intra-testicular testosterone in rats [71]

Drug addiction


Decrease in levels of plasma testosterone [78]

Decreased levels of plasma LH, and increased levels of plasma cortisol [81]

Increased serum testosterone [82]

Inhibition of LHRH release in rats [92]

Decrease in testosterone levels in monkeys [93]


Increase in LH levels without modifying testosterone following acute administration [97]

Increase in LH levels; No effects on testosterone and estradiol in rats [97]


Inhibition of the pulsatility of GnRH secretion; reduction of LH, FSH and testosterone levels [76]

Reduction of LH, without effect on FSH and testosterone levels in rats [101]

 Amphetamines and Ecstasy

No data available

No effects on LH, FSH, Testosterone levels in male rats [99]