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Table 1 Summary of the Effects of TNFα on Sertoli, Leydig, and Peritubular Cells

From: The role of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1 in the mammalian testis and their involvement in testicular torsion and autoimmune orchitis

Sertoli Cells

Leydig Cells

Peritubular Myoid Cells

increase cytochrome

decrease testosterone [52–56]

increase PAI-1 [57]

P450 aromatase [30]


increase NFκB activity [31]


increase AR [32]


decrease MIS [33]


increase transferrrin [37, 38]


increase LDH-A [39, 41]


decrease MCT2 [42]


decrease FasL [43]


increase Fas [44]


increase IGFBP-3 [45]


increase IL-6 [46, 47]


increase ICAM and VCAM [47]


increase MMP9 [48]


increase TIMP-1 and collagen [48]


decrease GST [49]
