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Table 1 Comparison of allele frequency of C677T MTHFR between cases, study controls, and population controls.

From: The C677T methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase variant and third trimester obstetrical complications in women with unexplained elevations of maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein


C/C (%)

C/T (%)

T/T (%)

Comparing to study controls* OR (95%CI)

Comparing to population* OR (95%CI)

Cases N = 54

21 (39)

27 (50)

6 (11)

1.73 (1.25–2.37) (p = 0.033)

1.70 (1.11–2.60) (p = 0.007)

Study Controls N = 73

40 (55)

30 (41)

3 (4)


0.98 (0.46–1.55) (p = 0.410)

Population N = 977

557 (57)

352 (36)

68 (7)

0.98 (0.46–1.55) (p = 0.410)


  1. * χ2 comparison of allele frequency (total T and C) in each group, one tailed. Cases: women with unexplained elevations of MSAFP who had subsequent complications of pregnancy, (C = 69, T = 39) Controls: women who had unexplained elevations of MSAFP and no subsequent complications (C = 110, T = 36) Population controls were 977 newborns (C = 1466, T = 488) [12]. C/C = normal type, C/T = heterozygous for thermolabile variant, T/T = homozygous for thermolabile variant.