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Table 1 Characteristics of included studies

From: Recombinant luteinizing hormone supplementation in women undergoing in vitro fertilization/ intracytoplasmic sperm injection with gonadotropin releasing hormone antagonist protocol: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Included RCTs

Method of randomization

Number of patients (rLHtrFSH/rFSH)

Gn type and initial dosage (IU/d)

rLH protocol


Primary outcomes

Sauer et al. 2004 [5]

Computer generated


r-hFSH 225

r-hLH, 150 IU on stimulation day 7–10

Oral contraceptive pretretment (0.15 mg desogestrel and 0.03 mg ethinyloestradiol)

Mean number of retrieved

MII oocytes

Griesinger et al. 2005 [6]

Sealed envelop


r-hFSH 150

rLH, 75 IU on day 2 of the natural cycle


Number of days of gonadotropin treatment

Levi-Setti et al. 2006 [7]

Computer-generated list


r-hFSH 150

rLH, 75 IU when follicles reached the mean diameter of 14 and 15 mm

Oral contraceptive ((Minulet; Wyeth, Aprilia-Latinia, Italy))

Number of metaphase II oocytes retrieved

Bosch et al. 2011 [14]

Computer-generated list

Aged <35 years:190/190; aged 36 to 39 years: 170/170

Patients ≤ 35 years old: rFSH-alone group: rFSH 225 ;the rFSH + rLH group: rFSH 150; patients aged 36–39 years: rFSH-alone group: rFSH 300; rFSH + rLH group: rFSH 225

rLH, 75 IU on stimulation day 1

Oral contraceptive pill (0.030 mg ethinyl E2 and 3.0 mg drospirenone)

Implantation rate

König et al. 2013 [15]

Sealed envelopes


r-hFSH, 225 IU

rLH, 150 IU on stimulation day 6


Implantation rate; clinical pregnancy rate