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Archived Comments for: PreImplantation Factor (PIF) promoting role in embryo implantation: increases endometrial Integrin-α2β3, amphiregulin and epiregulin while reducing betacellulin expression via MAPK in decidua

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  1. alpha2beta3

    Norman Sachs, Hubrecht Inst

    16 July 2012

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    The obligate heterodimer for the integrin alpha2 is beta1. The integrin beta3 can to my knowledge only associate with alphaIIb or alphav. AlphaIIbbeta3 is a platelet receptor whereas alphavbeta3 is widely expressed and is most likely recognized by SSA6 in your FACS assays.
    I suggest to recheck the use of alpha2beta3 in your manuscript or provide evidence for their direct association.

    With kind regards,
    Norman Sachs

    Competing interests

