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Fig. 3 | Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology

Fig. 3

From: The impact of non-caloric artificial sweetener aspartame on female reproductive system in mice model

Fig. 3

(g) Magnified view of control ovary section showing developing follicles with normal histological features characterized by well defined granulose cells (GC) surrounding the oocyte. (h) Section of ovary treated with ASP for 30 days shows degenerative changes in follicles (DF), degeneration of follicular antrium (FA), primary Oocyte (O), theca follicli (thick arrow), corona radiata (arrow head) and zona granulosa (ZG) and decreased number of primary follicles. (i) Section of ovary treated with ASP for 60 days shows degenerative changes in thecal layer of follicle membrane (arrows), zona granulose (ZG), and zona pellucida (arrow head). The appearance of pyknotic bodies (atretic bodies) in granulosa cells (star) and granulation of cytoplasm are the indications of early follicular atresia. (j) Uterus of control mice showing normal endometrium with stratum basale and stratum functionalis bearing fibrous connective tissue and normal tubular glands (arrows). (k) Uterus treated with ASP for 30 days shows atrophic uterine endometrial glands (arrows), squeezed endometrial lining (arrow head) and the shapes of blood vessels were also altered (arrows). (l). Uterus treated with ASP for 60 days shows larger endometrial cells (arrow head) and atrophic endometrial glands (arrows). Myometrium (M) also appears atrophic due to atrophy of the smooth muscle cells (H & E × 400)

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