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Table 3 Decrease rate of serum AMH levels of post-operation

From: The optimal time for laparoscopic excision of ovarian endometrioma: a prospective randomized controlled trial


Decrease rate of AMH 1 Week-Po (%)

Decrease rate of AMH 6 months-Po (%)

LLP (n = 44)

25.83 ± 10.12

31.43 ± 11.13

EFP (n = 44)

37.92 ± 14.13

46.34 ± 14.23


< 0.001***

< 0.001***

  1. LLP: Late luteal phase; EFP: Early follicular phase; AMH: anti-Müllerian hormone
  2. Decrease rate of AMH 1 Week-Po: Decrease rate of AMH at one-week post-operation compared to preoperative AMH; Decrease rate of AMH six months-Po: Decrease rate of AMH at six months post-operation compared to preoperative AMH; ***: P < 0.01