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Figure 3 | Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology

Figure 3

From: The spatiotemporal expression of multiple coho salmon ovarian connexin genes and their hormonal regulation in vitro during oogenesis

Figure 3

Subfolliclular distribution of mRNAs for cx30.9 , cx44.9 , cx34.3 , and cx43.2 in coho salmon ovaries. Perinucleolus (PN)-stage follicles were used for cx30.9 and cx44.9 analyses. Lipid droplet (LD)-stage follicles were used for cx34.3 and cx43.2 analyses. Sequential sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (cx30.9, A; cx44.9, D; cx34.3, G; and cx43.2, J), and hybridized with antisense (cx30.9, B; cx44.9, E; cx34.3, H; and cx43.2, K) and sense (cx30.9; C, cx44.9; F, cx34.3; I, and cx43.2; L) probes. n, nuclear; oo, ooplasm; fc, follicle cells; tc, theca cells; gc, granulosa cells; zp, zona pellucida. Scale bars = 50 μm.

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