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Table 6 Seminiferous epithelium cycle and mean number of Sertoli cells per seminiferous tubule of 90-day-old animals.

From: Short- and long-term reproductive effects of prenatal and lactational growth restriction caused by maternal diabetes in male rats


OC (n = 5)

OD (n = 5)

Stages of the germinal epithelium



41.75 ± 0.75

39.75 ± 1.32


28.75 ± 1.49

31.00 ± 1.15


24.75 ± 0.48

24.5 ± 1.44


4.75 ± 0.85

4.75 ± 0.48

Mean number of Sertoli cells

14. 70 ± 0.15

14.33 ± 0.18

  1. Values expressed as mean ± SEM. Student's t-test. OC- offspring of control dams; OD - offspring of diabetic dams.