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Table 3 Seminal vesicle weights in rats injected with a low, middle and a high dose of the Reference Standard, Menopur®, or a mixture of Bravelle® and Menopur® reconstituted in 0.9% saline and mixed in the same syringe.

From: Mixed protocols: Multiple ratios of FSH and LH bioactivity using highly purified, human-derived FSH (BRAVELLE) and highly purified hMG (MENOPUR) are unaltered by mixing together in the same syringe

Hormone (FSH:LH)a

Total no. rats

Seminal Vesicle weights (mean ± SEM)b*


Lowc dose

Middled dose

Highe dose

Reference Standard


35.82 ± 1.64

68.88 ± 2.40

96.39 ± 2.95

Menopur® (75:75)


36.49 ± 1.54

72.55 ± 1.61

95.69 ± 2.87

Bravelle®+ Menopur®



36.47 ± 1.23

73.94 ± 2.42

96.62 ± 1.70



37.80 ± 1.25

74.57 ± 1.57

94.49 ± 2.09



36.28 ± 1.50

74.78 ± 1.78

95.73 ± 2.01

  1. * The magnitude of this increase was similar across treatment groups (treatment × dose P = 0.74)
  2. a Ratio of FSH:LH bioactivity expressed in IUs
  3. b Combined seminal vesicle weights from the 2 replicates (replicate × treatment × dose)
  4. c Low dose = 7 IU LH/0.8 mL
  5. d Middle dose = 14 IU LH/0.8 mL
  6. e High dose = 28 IU LH/0.8 mL