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Table 1 Obstetrical Outcomes

From: Comparison of Misoprostol and Dinoprostone for elective induction of labour in nulliparous women at full term: A randomized prospective study


Misoprostol n = 80 (%)

Dinoprostone n = 83 (%)

Statistical significance

Time from induction to delivery (h ± SEM)

11.9 ± 0.6

15.6 ± 0.7

p < 0.001

Delivery < 12 h

46 (57.5%)

27 (32.5%)

p < 0.01

Delivery < 24 h

79 (98.8%)

76 (91.6%)

p < 0.05

Number of doses


   Single dose

74 (92.4%)

65 (78.3%)

p < 0.05

   Second dose

6 (7.5%)

17 (20.5%)


   Third dose

0 (0%)

1 (1.2%)


Required oxytocin augmentation



p < 0.05

Spontaneous rupture of membranes

31 (38.8%)

17 (20.5%)

p < 0.05

Meconium stained AF

15 (18.8%)

7 (9.6%)


Abnormal FHR

18 (22.5%)

10 (12%)


Uterine Tachysystole

10 (12.6%)

3 (3.6%)

p < 0.05

Uterine Hyperstimulation

2 (2.5%)

1 (1.2%)


  1. FHR = fetal heart rate.
  2. AF = amniotic fluid
  3. NS = not significant (p > 0.05)
  4. SEM = standard error of the mean