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Fig. 1 | Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology

Fig. 1

From: TMT-based proteomic and bioinformatic analyses of human granulosa cells from obese and normal-weight female subjects

Fig. 1

Quantitative analysis of proteomics data between control group and obese subjects. a Scatter plot showing the principle component analysis clustering of subjects. Each dot represents a subject and is colored according to subject groups indicated in the bottom-right corner of the plot. b Scatter plot showing the t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding clustering of subjects. c Volcano plot of differentially expressed proteins (DEPs). The x-axis corresponds to the log2-transformed fold change of DEPs identified when comparing obese group (OB) versus control group (CTR). The y-axis corresponds to -log10-transformed P values. Upregulated and downregulated DEPs are colored in red and blue, respectively. The top 10 upregulated and downregulated DEPs are labeled. d Heatmap showing the hierarchical clustering of samples and DEPs. Samples of the OB and CTR groups are colored in red and blue, respectively

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