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Table 2 Effect of in vitro treatment on percentage of motile sperm, track speed (VCL) and oxygen consumption

From: In vitro effect of nerve growth factor on the main traits of rabbit sperm


Motility rate %

VCL μm/sec

Δ nmoli O2/min


76.0 b

232.5 b

5.96 a


88.2 c

255.2 c

6.26 b

 NGF + aTrKA

60.2 a

233.2 b

6.58 b

 NGF + ap75NTR

72.2 b

215.4 a

5.98 a

 Pooled SE




  1. Samples were diluted with TALP/BSA (C) or with 100 ng/mL NGF (NGF); 100 ng/mL NGF + 32 μg/mL aTrKA (NGF + aTrKA); 100 ng/mL NGF + 1.5 μg/mL ap75NTR (NGF + ap75NTR). Different letters in the same column(a..c) means: P < 0.05