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Table 1 Patient Demographics and Hormonal Measurements

From: Modulation of the endocannabinoid system in viable and non-viable first trimester pregnancies by pregnancy-related hormones


Viable Pregnancy

(N = 25)

Non-Viable Pregnancy

(N = 20)



29 (23-34)

27 (23-29.5)

P = 0.34

BMI (kg/m 2 )

23 (22-26)

24.5 (21.3-26)

P = 0.87

AEA (nM)

1.20 (0.92-1.39)

1.48 (1.01-2.34)

P = 0.013

P4 (ng/mL)

51.5 (42-63.5)

41.0 (9.5-65.0)

P = 0.052

β-hCG (mIU/mL)

28650 (14172-38707)

6560 (386-49254)

P = 0.144

PAPP-A (mg/L)

1.82 (1.56-5.73)

12.25 (1.99-19.63)

P = 0.071

  1. Age, body mass index (BMI), plasma AEA levels, serum progesterone (P4), β-hCG and PAPP-A levels are all show as median and (IQR). N = the number of patients in each group. Significance was calculated using Mann-Whitney U-test. Significant differences between viable and non-viable pregnancies are shown with a bold P-value.