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Table 4 Production of LH and regular hCG during non-gestational menstrual cycles [166].

From: New discoveries on the biology and detection of human chorionic gonadotropin

Number of valid non-gestational menstrual cycles

371 cycles

Timing of LH peak concentration during valid menstrual cycles mean ± SD)

14.6 ± 3.1 days

Number of urines tests


Length of menstrual cycle, start of bleeding to next start of bleeding

28.6 ± 3.8 days

Of valid cycles, the mean peak LH concentration ± SD

210 ± 161 mIU/ml

Number of positive daily hCG tests, 1 IU/L sensitivity, in valid menstrual cycles


Proportion of menstrual cycles with positive regular hCG test, 1 IU/L sensitivity

332 (89%) cycles

Cycles with positive regular hCG test, regular hCG mean ± SD

1.52 ± 0.91 mIU/ml

Cycles with positive hCG test, hCG range

1.0 – 9.3 mIU/ml

  1. hCG assay used is the Siemens Immulite hCG test with < 0.1% crossreactivity with LH. Standard deviation is abbreviated as SD.