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Figure 2 | Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology

Figure 2

From: Hormone-regulated expression and distribution of versican in mouse uterine tissues

Figure 2

Immunoperoxidase for versican. (A) E2 treatment: strong immunoreaction is present in the whole endometrial stroma, except in areas of edema. The reaction can be observed as a network of delicate filaments. The immunolabeling is also observed at the interface between the deep stroma (DS) and the myometrium (M), as well as in the myometrial internal layer; (B) MPA treatment: versican distribution is seen as a dense brownish network in the extracellular spaces, exclusively in the superficial stroma (SS); (C) E2+MPA treatment: the immunoreaction is observed as a network of thin filaments in the whole endometrial stroma, except at the interface between the deep stroma (DS) and the myometrium (M). (D) ovariectomized group: immunoreaction is absent from the uterine tissues; (E) oil control group: immunoreaction is seen underneath the luminal epithelium of the antimesometrial stroma. The negative control shows no immunoreaction (F). L: Lumen; SS: Superficial Stroma; DS: Deep Stroma; M: Myometrium. Scale bar: 200 μm. Higher Magnification micrographs show the localization of VER inside and outside the cells in the MPA (H) and oil (J) groups, and mostly outside the cells in the E2 (G) and E2+MPA (I) groups. The reaction is absent from immune cells cytoplasm (arrows). Scale bar: 20 μm.

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