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Figure 3 | Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology

Figure 3

From: Spatio-temporal expression patterns of anandamide-binding receptors in rat implantation sites: evidence for a role of the endocannabinoid system during the period of placental development

Figure 3

Immunohistochemical demonstration of anandamide-binding receptor expression in the rat uterus on day 8 of pregnancy. (A) CB1 expression is evenly distributed in the antimesometrial decidua; (B) Higher magnification of the square indicated in (A); (C) CB2 expression in decidual cells of antimesometrium, note that CB2 staining appears to be less intense than CB1; (D) A negative control for CB2 of a consecutive section of (C); (E) TRPV1 expression; note a higher expression in the cells close to the embryo; (F) TRPV1 expression in longitudinal and circular muscle layers. AMD - Antimesometrial decidua; CM - Circular muscle layer; Ec - Embryonic cells; FC - Fibrinoid capsule; LM - Longitudinal muscle layer.

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