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Table 2 Estimated effect in percentage points (Δ) and associated 95% confidence interval (95% CI) of the covariates included in Model 1 and Model 2 on ongoing pregnancy rate

From: Corifollitropin alfa or rFSH treatment flexibility options for controlled ovarian stimulation: a post hocanalysis of the Engage trial

Factors included in model


Model 1*

Model 2†


Δ (95% CI)

Δ (95% CI)

Start treatment

Day 2 versus day 3

-4.3 (-9.4, 0.8)


hCG delay

No delay versus 1-day delay

1.8 (-4.1, 7.6)


rFSH on day of hCG

Yes versus no

3.2 (-2.1, 8.6)


rFSH from day 8

Step-down versus fixed dose


-5.8 (-13.0, 1.4)

Treatment group

Corifollitropin alfa versus rFSH

1.1 (-4.0, 6.2)

1.1 (-4.8, 6.9)


Per year increase

-1.1 (-1.9, -0.3)

-0.9 (-1.8, 0.0)


North America versus Europe

15.5 (10.2, 20.7)

12.6 (6.8, 18.5)

  1. *Model 1 is based on Analysis Set 1, i.e., all patients who received hCG and for whom no rFSH dose was withheld for one or more consecutive days including the day of hCG.
  2. †Model 2 is based on Analysis Set 2, i.e., all patients who received hCG on or after day 9 and for whom no rFSH dose was withheld for one or more consecutive days from day 8 including the day of hCG.