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Table 2 Effect of exposure of embryos at 116 h after insemination to 40°C for 8 h on percent of inseminated oocytes that cleaved and that developed to the blastocyst stage and on blastocyst cell number [inner cell mass (ICM), trophectoderm (TE) and total]

From: Changes in the transcriptome of morula-stage bovine embryos caused by heat shock: relationship to developmental acquisition of thermotolerance


Number of oocytes (replicates)

Percent cleaved

Percent developed to blastocyst

ICM cell number

TE cell number



293 (5)

74.0 ± 3.5

30.4 ± 1.1

28.3 ± 1.4

75.2 ± 4.1

103.5 ± 5.0

Heat shock

320 (5)

74.5 ± 5.3

28.8 ± 5.3

28.1 ± 1.1

79.3 ± 3.9

107.4 ± 4.5