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Figure 6 | Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology

Figure 6

From: Immunoexpression of the relaxin receptor LGR7 in breast and uterine tissues of humans and primates

Figure 6

Immunostaining for LGR7 epitopes of healthy human breast tissue from a lactating patient, undergoing mammotomy for incipient breast cancer. This tissue has been described elsewhere [42]. Antibodies against the epitopes L7-2 (panels A and C) and L7-3 (panels B and D) were used, and gave identical results (L7-2.R2 was used at 1:4000, and L7-3.R3 at 1:5000 dilution). The effect of preincubating the antibodies with an excess of KLH was also tested: A and B, without KLH; C and D, with KLH. The preimmune sera from the same animals used to generate the specific antisera were applied in E and F, at the same dilutions. Scale bar = 50 μm.

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